We research the experimental physics on the surfaces by use of the scanning probe microscope (SPM) with ultra-high spatial resolution and repeatability. Nowadays, we design and build an original scanning near-field optical microscope (NSOM). This apparatus explore the potentialities of optical measurements, nanometric optics, and the physics in the small world. We also utilize numerical simulations: finit-different time domain method, finite element method, first principle and more. These analytical methods are used to cofirmation of the principle of measurement and to optimize the instruments.
NI Real-Time OS
Physik Instrumente Piezo Positioner
Numerical simulator: COMSOL Multiphysics
Original circuit boards
NF Function Generator: WF1974
Xilinx softwares for FPGA develeopment
One of our missions is the establishment of industrially and scientificaly useful optical technologies. Putting into practice these developments, we use extensive knowledges such as optics, mechanics, electronics, and measurement and control engineering. We accomplish these hard work with some collabolators and many instruments. Some instruments and softwares are prepared in our loboratoy and some are shared. We are able to perform fundamental evaluations and manufacturing of instruments in our laboratory for ourselves, immediately.
Laboratory overview [1]
Laboratory overview [2]
Electronic for handmade instruments
Machining booth
Handmade spinner and UV expoure
Test-bench for electronics
Bench for chemical treatment
In experimental researches, we use a great variety of goods. Many optics and electronics have many points of similarities thourgh they have completely different functions and properties. In order to prevent misuse and accidents, we thoroughly keep things in order. "Keeping things tidy and in order" is also very important from the view of an efficiency of the research and development.